January 26, 2024

BEVM Incentive Testnet Fullnode Info Collection

During the next few days, BEVM Testnet reached more than 38,000 Fullnodes. Thanks to those Fullnode operators and BEVM supporters who help BEVM take the next step forward to fully decentralization. Most of the Fullnodes are in Europe, America and Asia.

📸📸To thank all of the operators, we have finished the first phase snapshot and recorded all of the EVM addresses at 8:00 UTC, 26/01/2024. We checked a total of 38632 addresses, filtered 546 addresses which didn’t set effective EVM addresses as names.

The remaining addresses will be eligible after filling the form to match their social accounts.


Things You Need to Know

There are three questions asked, your Twitter handle, Discord account and EVM address. Please make sure that all of this info is correct. Each of the tips below is vital.

  • Your Twitter account has to be following BEVM(@BTClayer2) to ensure you are not a Bot.
  • Your EVM address has to be the same as your Fullnode name to receive furture reward.
  • One Twitter Account can just bind with one EVM address, vice versa.
  • We suggest you join Discord for updates.

You have 7 days left to fill in the form.

🕛Time: 26/01/2024, 10 UTC – 02/02/2024, 10 UTC.

What Is Next?

In the next few weeks, we will launch the Decentralized Sequencers Testing Program, Decentralized Bridge Testing, and Mainnet Sequencers Election Program. You can wait until the new Program launches before restarting/maintaining the Fullnode.

Therefore, we sincerely hope Fullnode operators fill out the form faithfully if you want to participate in the subsequent programs.