May 15, 2024

BEVM DAO Launch: BEVM Offers 3% Token Incentives to Global Builders

I. What is BEVM DAO?

BEVM DAO is a global community of BEVM co-builders, upholding the principles of co-building, sharing, and fair Proof-of-Work incentives. It unites builders worldwide to participate in the BEVM construction. The BEVM Foundation will inject 3% of the total token supply into the BEVM DAO to incentivize global builders.

II. Why Launch BEVM DAO?

For a long time, there has seemed to be an "ineffective incentive" phenomenon between crypto projects and their true community users. The genuine builders have not received adequate and effective incentives, while a significant portion of token airdrops has often been captured by whales and bots.

How to effectively incentivize true community users is a challenge faced by all crypto projects.

While pondering this issue, the BEVM team raised a question: Apart from on-chain tasks, pursuing TVL, and simple airdrop models, is it possible to create a more precise, comprehensive, and widespread community incentive mechanism?

For instance, some people have actively created in-depth, comprehensive articles for BEVM; others have produced widely circulated, outstanding videos for BEVM; some have organized lively meetups for BEVM in Turkey or Korea; or a KOL has organized a brilliant Twitter Space for BEVM; even a retweet or participation in an AMA can create value for BEVM.

Shouldn't these actions be incentivized?

Of course, they should!

However, these valuable community contributions have long been overlooked and deserve recognition, hence, the BEVM DAO was born.

III. How to Participate in BEVM DAO?

BEVM has reached a deep collaboration with the renowned DAO platform Zealy, and BEVM DAO will be launched on Zealy.

Anyone can find tasks suited to their expertise on Zealy, submit completed work by themselves, and receive corresponding incentives.

  • If you are a content creator, congratulations! You can become a BEVM Builder by creating BEVM-related articles.
  • If you are a video creator, congratulations! You can earn BEVM token rewards by creating BEVM-related videos.
  • If you excel at organizing online AMAs or offline meetups, you can also receive corresponding token rewards.
  • If you can help BEVM's tweets gain widespread traction, you can also earn rewards!
  • If you don't fit any of the above but are a community member passionate about learning BEVM, you can earn BEVM token incentives by attending events.

In essence, BEVM DAO is an open co-building community for global builders of all kinds. Any individual and any form of co-building contribution can receive corresponding incentives.

Perhaps we don't know each other, or we're separated by thousands of miles, or we have different nationalities or skin colors, but none of this prevents you from becoming a BEVM Builder or being part of BEVM through your contributions.

Because BEVM belongs to all builders!