May 28, 2024

BEVM Launches the $60 Million BEVM Visionary Builders (BVB) Program

I. Program Overview:

BEVM has unveiled the BEVM Visionary Builders (BVB) initiative, an ecosystem project incentive program open to projects across 17 different tracks, including DEX, Lending, Stable Coin, Derivatives, Launchpads, Staking Protocols and more. BEVM will allocate assets worth $60 million to incentivize participating ecosystem projects and users in the BEVM Visionary Builders (BVB) program.

BEVM will select top-tier projects from the 17 different tracks through a multi-dimensional screening process, awarding them the BEVM Visionary Builders honor and distributing corresponding rewards.

The Visionary Builders program introduces an on-chain community voting mechanism, allowing project teams to rally their community members to vote for their projects, as community activity is a crucial evaluation dimension. Users participating in the on-chain voting will not only receive ORDINALS•RUNES airdrops but also BEVM token airdrops.

The Visionary Builders program is now open for applications, which can be submitted through the Ecosystem section on the BEVM official website.  

The BVB program will last until the TGE of BEVM, with a monthly release.

II. How Projects Can Participate:

1. Projects can fill out the application form, and the BEVM team will review and list projects in the order they are submitted.

2. After review, projects will be listed on the BEVM Visionary Builders section of the BEVM website, where they can invite their community members to vote for their project.

3. At the end of the two months, BEVM will airdrop ORDINALS•RUNES to users based on their on-chain voting points.

4. Starting from the second month, BEVM will announce the first batch of winners for BEVM Visionary Builders, and on-chain voting users will continue accumulating voting scores.

III. Reward Allocation:

BEVM has allocated assets worth approximately $60 million to be distributed among participating ecosystem projects and voting users in the BEVM Visionary Builders (BVB) program.

1. 30% will be airdropped to Eco points holders.

2. 70% will be used to incentivize outstanding ecosystem projects and their users in each track that win the Visionary Builders award.

IV. Token Airdrops

ORDINALS•RUNES and BEVM tokens will be airdropped to on-chain voting users proportionally based on their voting scores.

V. BEVM Token Rewards

Each month, BEVM will announce the ecosystem projects that have received the Visionary Builders honor and implement specific incentive plans.