May 14, 2024

BEVM Concludes Successful Journey in Hong Kong: Spotlight on BTC Eco-Innovation and Pathfinding for the Future

On May 12th, BEVM concluded its Hackathon and a series of events focused on the BTC ecosystem events in Hong Kong. Over the past week, we gathered with numerous Web3 industry builders and enthusiasts to discuss the applications and future development within the BTC ecosystem.

BEVM's Hong Kong journey from May 7th to May 12th comprised three main parts: the "Bitcoin Devcon-BEVM Hackathon" held on May 7th-8th at the Bitcoin Devcon conference co-hosted by UTXO and Satoshilab, participation in exhibitions and networking activities on May 9th-10th, and a BEVM-branded event hosted on May 11th.

During the event, through various activities such as hackathon project presentations, guest speeches, online broadcasts, and roundtable discussions, we engaged in deep exchanges with passionate innovators in the BTC ecosystem. Let's review the highlights of BEVM's journey in Hong Kong!

BEVM Hackathon and Guest Activities

On May 7th, BEVM participated in the Bitcoin Devcon co-hosted by UTXO and Satoshilab. In the morning, thematic sharing and roundtable discussions were conducted, focusing on innovative applications in the BTC ecosystem and the potential opportunities of Layer 2 solutions.

In the afternoon, the long-awaited "Bitcoin Devcon-BEVM Hackathon" officially kicked off. This hackathon mainly revolved around expanding BTC ecosystem applications on the BTC Layer 2 platform, with BEVM's core builder Gavin serving as a hackathon judge.

Twenty participating teams competed fiercely for over a dozen hours, showcasing many innovative BTC ecosystem application projects. Ultimately, three teams—Bido, Satoshi Protocol, and oooo protocol—stood out, securing the top three positions. They were awarded prizes of $25,000, $15,000, and $5,000 respectively. Additionally, two teams, Bitena and Hyperdust, received participation prizes of $2,500 each.

Among the top three teams, Bido and Satoshi Protocol are liquidity staking protocols and stablecoin protocols built on BEVM, while oooo protocol is a modular cross-chain protocol supporting BTC L2. BEVM's CGO (Chief Growth Officer) Hakan personally presented awards to the winning teams.

During the series of activities on May 8th, the BEVM team actively participated in various sessions. Core-builder Gavin delivered a keynote speech at the BTC Layer 2 Assembly in HK event. Subsequently, BEVM hosted a panel discussion at the BTC Summer (HK).

In the afternoon, Hakan engaged in intense discussions with other Web3 experts during an online live X space hosted by Bybit, focusing on the future of BTC Layer 2 solutions and the next BTC Alpha.

In the evening, BEVM also joined a vibrant networking party, exchanging ideas with both new and old friends.

Exploring the Future of BTC and Runes Protocol

On May 9th, BEVM attended the Runes Asia 2024 summit organized by Bitcoin Settlement Lab. This was the world's first conference focusing on the development of the Runes protocol and BTC ecosystem, discussing topics such as the technology, applications, stablecoins, cross-chain capabilities, and DeFi infrastructure built on top of the Runes protocol. BEVM's core-builder Gavin delivered a keynote speech.

In the evening, the BEVM team participated in an exciting roundtable discussion, exploring the next wealth opportunities in the BTC ecosystem. Additionally, Gavin discussed community incentives and growth strategies for the Nostr protocol during Nostr's Fireside Chat.

In addition to networking activities, BEVM also had a booth at the event, offering users a variety of cultural merchandise and gifts, attracting a large enthusiastic crowd.

The Road to Prosperity of the BTC Ecosystem

On May 11th, BEVM, along with Bitmain and Owlto Finance, co-hosted the "The Road to Bitcoin Ecosystem Prosperity - Hong Kong Edition" event.

The event began with a presentation by BEVM's core-builder Gavin, introducing the unique technology and appeal of BEVM's Taproot Consensus, including the team's extensive experience and the recent Binance Web3 Wallet airdrop campaign that attracted 159,000 participants.

During the event, Miranda from BITMAIN shared their investment strategy in BEVM and their support for BEVM. In addition, the audience listened to a presentation from Bido Finance, a BTC liquidity staking project, and its innovative staking solutions.

BEVM's Vision

Through this series of events in Hong Kong focusing on Bitcoin, we witnessed the vitality and innovation of the BTC ecosystem. More developers are now focusing on the building and application development on top of the BTC network, bringing new momentum to the development of the entire BTC ecosystem.

BEVM foresees that the future of Web3 will pay more attention to the development of the BTC ecosystem and will continue to focus on unlocking the potential of BTC Layer 2. We look forward to exploring the infinite possibilities of Web3 with more industry partners and contributing to the industry's development. Although the Hong Kong journey is a brief farewell for us, the journey of BTC L2 is just beginning. We are confident that we will make more significant contributions to the industry in the future and grow alongside the thriving BTC ecosystem!